
Saturday, May 22, 2010

I think im moving. To wordpress. If i like it there then ill keep posting there instead. But ill keep this here for memories. And i might want to post here for a change too. Its been great pinutboy of blogger. Time to welcome pinutboy of wordpress (:

Husaini @ 11:55 AM

Friday, May 21, 2010

The drama went by very well. Really, it did. I mentally envisioned the drama to turn out like how it did on thursday during pracs, and i was immensely worried. The mistimings of the lightings, the miscued sounds, the clumsy and noisy props and the soft, soft actors. Not to mention the lacklustre dancing which i thought for sure would spoil the whole thing which cwas already not too good to being with. And i was surprised. Pleasently surprised. Everything went smoothly, save for a few hiccups which i think were superbly covered. Special mention goes out to props who, though i thought werent excellent, drew praises from certain segments of the audience.

Im so proud of you guys. And the cast. And the AV people. And the mouse clicker. And even the dancers.

Takdir really is something wierd isnt it. You cant anticipate it. You cant interpret it however you like cos its not meant to be interpret that way. It just happens. And we have to accept it. Just like that. Though it sometimes sucks.

Husaini @ 9:33 PM

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ah i should be asleep but what the heck im up so i might as well post. Anyway, ive just done some reflecting ,well not just, a few days ago actually, and i realised that i might be burning out WAAAY ahead of schedule. nnononono thats bad. But the signs are there. Ive been feeling totally unmotivated for work for the past two weeks. In fact, ive done zero work, apart from last minute cramming for both SPAs (and by that i mean reading the notes ten minutes before the test o.o) and attempting to read up for physics lecture. But its like, i cant bring myself to read the notes.

I get physically tired very fast when i attempt to study, and when i do get around to do it, i would totally not be able to read on. like either my mind will keep rereading the same sentence over and over again, or somehow i cant get my mind to mentally read the next few words.

In an attempt to remedy this, i sometimes just turn on the computer to play, but even that gets boring very quick and i end up jsut staring into the computer screen most of the time. its just so hard to study and i dont know why, or at least i THINK i might know why. I have not been studying for four years prior to jc and the sudden studying at a fast rate might have taken a toll on me. and i hate that. damn, i feel like crying sometimes when i read my notes, these two weeks. and for no reason. Its kindof amazing that it took me two weeks to notice this. I would have thought that i wuold sense this faster. see? even my mind isnt working properly.

MAYBE i did not burn out (whew) but something is just troubling me and i dont know what it is.
ah crap that sounds like very indulgent, selfish ranting.

Time Clicks as I await
The hour ends before my take
Sitting, thinking, waiting; my mind escapes
The day grows old as night passes
Wolves crying, coyotes howling; anticipating
Watching, staring, seeing -- nothing
Silence begins the day
as morning comes without notice
Tears begin to fall, slowly
The day moves on without hope
Wishing to be what is not to be
The sun moves to its peak
without a whisper or retreat
Time moving, but still empty
Stomach aching, curling
Still waiting
-Gary R. Hess

Husaini @ 9:58 AM

Monday, May 10, 2010

~ It is one of the severest tests of friendship to tell your friend her faults. So to love a woman that you cannot bear to see a stain upon her, and to speak painful truth through loving words, that is friendship. ~

The week so far has been better than i expected. Of course, i wasnt expecting much this week anyway. Monday was stuff myself day and stuff myself i did. i think i spent close to ten bucks on cheap and good food in the canteen. mehhh. I dont want to gain even more weight o.o BUT good food is important so what the heck.
Todays physics SPA went much better than i expected. no silly circuits to set up, i brought my calculator, i prayed v hard before the test, i did it, i felt good. thats all.
And if what was quoted above is true, i must be quite a terrible friend. i dont know how else to say things other than how they really are and, well, i sure as hell cant speak painful truth through loving words. ohwell. what to do XD
if i were a boy.

Husaini @ 6:54 AM

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Ah, it is just something amusing zaid and halim and I heard on our way back to school from j8. At Bishan mrt, someone did the loud kissing sound so instinctively, the three of us turned back. along with another group of ITE students. and it turns out it was for them but we watched the kissing-sounder nonetheless. She laughed and said "HAHAHA aku fickle siaa" and without batting an eylid, her friend to whom she was kissing to replied "A'ah, macam pickle." ROFLMAO heh i dont know why but it just seemed damn funny. shows us just how capable malays are of making sensible conversation XD

Anyway today is rashidis birthday woohoo! the plan was just awesome, really. zaid and halim was to present rashidi with a pandan cake from uncle heng and say "Nah your birthday cake." then we would come out with the real cake and the gift. and totally surprise him. So we did it during tarian prac. AND IT COULDNT HAVE WORKED BETTER. initially, we had some problems, like how to make the transition between getting the pandan cake and getting the actual cake. But there were so many ppl there we decided to just get them to sing a song to distract him. and embarrass him of course. Then another problem came. none of us (halim syat zaid and i) was thick skinned enough to start singing, though halim made a valiant attempt to gather the people. luckily, just luckily, faizal came along and being his tak malu and at times attention seeking self, agreed to start singing a birthday song. AND SING HE DID. he practically shouted the song and i couldnt help but laugh while helping syat prepare the real cake. retard XD

And we came out and gave him the cake and all the while rashidi was making this happy-but-i-cant-do-anything-but-smile look. and his reaction when he got our gift was priceless. he took the gift, unwrapped it (it was covered in moo's jacket since we were too cheap to buy wrapping XD) and held the thing, a female version of the alien stitch, being pink and had an extra pair of antenna compared to the male one we gave him two years ago, in one hand, and started laughing his ass off, pointing the coveted middle finger to zaid and I. i felt so damn accomplished TEEHEE. and of course he liked it, but for the fact that we might have been mocking him a little, and he knew it. but thats just part of the fun. and once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RASHIDI! though i know you dont visit this blog heh heh (: (: (: (: (:

ahh well time to get back to mugging. CHEM SPA, PHYSICS LECTURE TEST and IMPORTANT ECONS TUTORIAL to prepare for tmr. die die die. i cant fail this physics lecture test. i got a reputation to uphold, surprisingly enough. heh heh.

thats all for now (:

Husaini @ 7:11 AM


Ahmad Husaini
Raffles Rugby 05-08, Pwnage09, 10S06F
I like sports, though nothing in particular



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