
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Heh heh i feel the urge to share what i saw on tuesday morning so bear with me XD

On tuesday morning, as i was waiting for a cab on the curb to go to the clinic, i saw this Bangladeshi worker strolling across a patch of grass. And since the road was empty, albeit for an onrushing motorcycle, he decided to cross it, leisurely. The way he walked macam the road was named after his great ancestor or something. Damn relax. Then the motor started to horn and dude walked slower to turn his head to look at the motor. The motor horn some more. The dude just kept his head toleh-ed to look atthe motor while walking. The horn went nonstop and finally, the dude just managed to get out ofthe way, even if it did take the motorcyclist some skill to swerve past him. Then once he crossed the road, he started running. To the construction site. What a slacker.

And the cool part? The motorcyclist sempat turn his head to look at the Bangla worker, and the pakcik on the delivery motor just laughed. hahhahaha wth man i laughed too. at the pakcik.

Cool kepe? That made my day XD

Husaini @ 7:57 AM

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hi. Its been some time since ive been here. I was busy with, uh.....i dont know. i guess i just wasnt busy and hence i dont know why i didnt come here. well, time to update!

On the monday ofthe last week of school before the holidays, i was fine. I felt a slight pain in the butt (quite literally) but dismissed it as i was able to play an awesome 1 hour 30 minute game of handball with my class. I was running around. as usual. I was sitting in all sorts of weird positions. as usual (heh). And i could bear the slight pain. See this is why having a high threshold of pain sucks, you wont know what hit you till it really steps on you with high heels.

I woke up on tuesday morning with the feeling that, well, someone shoved a cucumber up my ass. Really damn pain. Cant cough or sneeze without tearing involuntarily. I told my mum i didnt want to go to school, mumbled my explanation to her and trudged back to bed while she was nagging in the wee hours of the morning. Went to the hospital and the doctor said "aiyah that one small lah, 1 cm by 1 cm only, i give you antibiotics and it should clear up." Thanks ah mr doctor the next day it grew. i could feel that it was bigger. and this time i couldnt even sit down. but i took a super strong painkiller (which, unlike what the name suggests, didnt kill the pain, it made it a little more tolerable ) and went for GP ct. it was freezing and i was slightly feverish. i finished with 30 minits to go and stared at my fingers which were turning blue. i thought it looked quite cool. Then after that i went back home straight away cos the pain came back (the darn painkiller only lasted for, what, 3 hours?).

Nighttime was a nightmare. Once i lay down in bed, i couldnt get up anymore. and i had a high fever. so i couldnt sleep the whole night, playing Championship Manager so many times i swear i could win an international tournament should they decide to have one. The next day, i went to the hospital again in the afternoon and saw a different doctor. one look and he went "alamak so big. need to operate." woohoo power. and this time it was 4 by 2 cm. and i was duly hospitalised. and the nurses forgot to order my food that night so i ate a biscuit liek sandwich because it was so keras. lucky got milo.

the next day i was operated on. it was quite cool because i remember waiting on the bed in the operating room in the waiting area and a nurse came in and said "this is going to be abiiiiit drowsy ah" and put some liquid in me. withing 20 seconds i fell straight to sleep. so much for being abiiit drowsy. i woke up feeling absolutely nothing (that was honestly the best sleep i ever had) and then the nurse said "hello. youre operation is over. we are waiting for a nurse to bring you up now" and i was like WTH?! so fast?!

apparently, as the surgeon later explained, the thing was 2.5 cm deep, hence, there is now a hole next to my original hole. and its bigger than the original. ITS BIGGER, ITS BETTER. naah its not better. and i earned an MC which lasts me till next tuesday. which is stupid cos then ill only have to come to school on wednesday. that gave me a grand total or attending school 2/30 days. how cool is that? and to top that im on long term PE mc, three months, meaning ill miss the first round of napfa testing and if i make it back in time for the retest, ill be doomed cos i havent trained for so long and ill have to got for a longer NS than the rest of the guys. rawr.

but im well now. at least i feel better. the hole is now about 2 cm deep, its slow, but its progress. but i can walk and i can almost sit properly without that float ring thingy. but i still cant run or jump. BUT i kicked a ball today. and that felt good XD

and all this while ive been at home, studying 4 hours a day, playing 4 hours or 5 hours a day, moping around or sleepingthe rest ofthe time, making it a very boring MC period. sigh. at least i can be back in school on wednesday. that is, provided the doctors dont think i need an extension, as ill be going for a follow up on the 30th. graah.

bears are awesome. i ate hello panda chocolate flavor and i like the cute drawings on the biscuits/cookies. makes me feel happy.

heh somethings wrong with me XD

P.S. oh and i exceeded my phone bill by a whopping 300 smackeroos all because i was experimenting with the internet and got carried away. grrr. now im left with the same 5 dollar a week allowance ive been on for the past 8 weeks for the next couple ofweeks, i calculated that this testing period would end somewhere just before national day. hurray, i get to celebrate the nations birthday, missing everyone else's in between. life _ _ _ _ s. fill in the blanks as you like.

Husaini @ 7:07 AM

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I should learn to just accept things as they are. No, not EVERYTHING. That just makes me a retard, like a cow being poked in the nose. Or snout.

Haha what was that about? Im not quite sure myself. Do tell me once you think you know heh. Id love to know.

Anyway, i think the week went by rather quickly. Monday is always a nice day, because effectively, i only need to go to school for physics and chem lectures and PE. But the school, being a dog, a female one, likes to fill up my timetable. Mind you, my timetable isnt a "fill-in-the-blanks exercise". Even if it was, the school would fail, because the blanks should be filled with enjoyable stuff like "watching movies in the library" or "going to the hodge lodge to play mindless games". Instead, i see more remedials. Not nice.

Tuesday was long. And unenjoyable/wasted. Wednesday, more of the same, thursday too. I should find a better way to spend time in school or else i might aswell go home to study.

anyway, while chatting, i spontaneously came up with a quote which i kindof like.

~~~~~ if it makes you uncomfortable, why bother? ~~~~~

Makes sense to me.

you know, when i find something i like, i like to keep it. if i cant, i should just leave it someplace nice and in good condition for someone else. no?

Husaini @ 2:45 AM

Monday, March 1, 2010

Im so sorry, i just posted, but i thought i ought to share this song. its so...i dont know. nice i guess. but its the meaning thats whats so...nice. i should read more.

You Took My Heart Away lyrics | Free Song Lyrics

You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
And a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life

I love that song.

Husaini @ 8:37 AM

Its so late at night already and im not asleep. And its not just because ive been doing math like the good boy i am. or want to be. its just, hard to sleep when youve got so many things going through your mind. but the thing is, i have no idea whats running through my mind. its like looking at the race track and all you see are cars zooming past. you dont even know what the car model is, or the driver for the matter.

Ive been doing alot of observing lately. oh, in case i didnt already mention, one of my hobbies include observing people. how they behave. why they behave the way they do. how this affects what they will do. get new ideas on the way other people might react to what you do. find similarities between other people. find differences between other people. find out what makes these differences. hypothesize how people could be different had they been brought up differently. dammit i love my hobby. i really recommend it, though one of the bad things about doing this is that people often mistake what you are doing as daydreaming. and when embarking on this, i strictly recommend that you keep the observations centered around other people. dont try the same thing on yourself. and ill tell you why.

if you had a pop quiz, say on math. it would really be a true measure of how consistent you are since you would not have been able to specifically prepare for the quiz. however, if you somehow knew that a pop quiz was coming, it will not be a true gauge. pretty much the same concept. your mind will know that you are trying to read your actions so it will make you do what it wants you to do for the sake of observation. this leads to inaccurate, often contradictory thoughts about yourself and all it does is to confuse you. which is NAT good.

ive been observing alot, thinking alot, drawing all sorts of conclusions. and i realised how little i know. what i work on is purely hypothetical. it will always remain as a hypothesis so long as nothign confirms it, which is hard. because if you seek for it to be confirmed, then it will be, which makes your observations confusing. if you leave it be, you may never get the answer andyoull be left hanging. which is pretty much where i am. damn its just hard to read people.

but its interesting nonetheless. sometime in the future, i think i want to be involved in a profession, albeit for a very short time, which involves dealing with affairs of the mind, for manipulation is something i find very fascinating as it gives you unparalleled control over one's actions. im a sadistic control freak. nah. not yet at least. but you just wait. someday i will rule thet world.

wouldnt that just be interesting?

Husaini @ 8:17 AM


Ahmad Husaini
Raffles Rugby 05-08, Pwnage09, 10S06F
I like sports, though nothing in particular



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