
Wednesday, September 9, 2009


what are you doing here, go bury your noses back in some stack of notes. Speaking of which, i am damn bangga that i finally almost fully understand stoichiometry! woohoo!
Now all i have to do is do the same thing for the remaining 7 topics tested for chem.
Which should take about one full day if i were to really master it. that leaves 15 days for everything else.
Im planning to spend only 3 or 4 days on physics, assuming 4, i have 9 days left.
math is a bitch, as in seriously, all the stuff u learn always manages to disappear right before when it matters most. soo ill take about 7 days, assuming i already mastered pure math and all i have to do is stats...
leaving me with 2 measly days.

ooh we forgot to add in hari raya, which on any other occasion, would make me super excited, instead, it adds to my anxiety because that takes away one full day due to jalan2.

1 day left. what to do with it? econs?

how about that, mr econs, youre at the bottom of the pecking order again. one day to suck it all in. i really do hope i get an S for econs. id be super damn proud if i got it.

factoring in pw, which always appears when we have alot to mug for, id say i would have to minus off a day or two for each topic just to accomodate pw.

that leaves me with no time for econs. brace yourself for a U husaini.


on a side note, i hate shopping for baju jalan, as i did just now. freaking took me 2 hours to find ONE shirt. cos most shops sell stuff made for tiny asian men. I CANT WEAR ANY OF THOSE THINGS MAN. forget topman. id never fit into one of those. cancel out every other clothes meant for teenagers and im left with baggy stuff. again. but noooo. i found one of those kind of shirts, only, at a very large size. yay im happy but tired. when i grow up, if i become successful, ill open a small shop selling clothes and shoes for ppl like me. and dont get me started on shoes. i feel like cryingeverytime my shoes koyak, cos then id have to spend hours looking for one, JUST FOR THE SIZE. no design and all yet.


Husaini @ 6:26 AM


Ahmad Husaini
Raffles Rugby 05-08, Pwnage09, 10S06F
I like sports, though nothing in particular



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