
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Omg this has to be my bestest peekture ever. That is stittalicious, standing precariously on a railing with round edges. Falling behind him, he would land in a bush which would not be comfortable at all.
Falling FORWARD was a different matter altogether. he would end up at the bottom of mount faber. and mind you we were at the top. That would be a very painful experience. he would fall past a fake merlion, a grasscutter on the hill, a fake patch of golf turf, a shitload of butterflies, on his way down. yikes. good thing he didnt fall. or stittalicious wouldnt be stittalicious now. he would be another stittalicious. peanuts.
I wish i was a psychomotorically inclined as him. i know for a fact if i tried that, i would fall either way after getting just one leg on the railing. i like to blame it on my high center of gravity. and my apparent lack of control over my body parts. damn, i can even fall tergolek while walking.
why am i here. i should be doing chem. cos saturday PARENT TEACHER MEETING my parents seeing all my teachers plus I HAVE TO BLOODY GO ALONG. which would make me panic if i was still in ri. but i have mastered a new skill, the stone-i-dont-give-a-damn face. it works. and i can do it almost to perfection. get ready teachers.
peanuts again.

Husaini @ 5:49 AM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Maan i miss those days.
Yesterday Shift and i had perfect days. :O like seriously, nothing wentwrong. not a thing.
I went to econs remedial and finally learnt something useful in econs, then had a short break in which i ate like 3 kepokkepoks which were damn nice, and the uncle had a different chicken which was also nice. Then i went to physics lecture and though i did not pay attention, even if it was because i already did teh stuffs at home, i managed to beat some highscores in my hp games. wow.
Then after that i ate the best value for money combination there ever is, the first time in a long time. nasi with rendang with potato wedgies. mmm. THEN i did my math tutorial (wah bangga cos i never can do them myself) and went to class EARLY. like for teh first time since school started. after math i went down and met Shift, who also apparently had a good day. so being good muslim boys, and also coswe had nothing to do, we went up to solat early and went back down in PE to run. thats right people. my aim to do it duringthe december hols was pushed forward till yesterday, BUT WE DID IT STILL XD. and we wentback up at 3 plus and had the soalt room to ourselves to lie and rest in the comforting darkness as well as coolness. coolness.
THEN i went to econs lecture early. again and the thing is, i was not going to let my good day end jsut yet, so i slept upright looking at my notesandshaking my head occasionally to make it look like i was reading. it worked, up till the point i apparently snored. then the teacher pointedteh laser at me and my friend woke me up. sheesh. ohwell, atleast i charged my phone duringthe lecture.
haha i wish days like that happen all the time. not stupid days like these. heck today i went home early cos i thought i had stomach flu. i went to the trouble of getting the blue slip signed by my ct who, as i expected, lectured me for 40 minutes outside teh staff room about my work ethic and all. then i went to the clinic, took the meds, went home and lay down on my bed. it was only thenthat i realised that it wasnt really a stomach flu. it was just that i did 1 situp too many and my abs hurt like hell. dammit. and to top it off, i developed a cough from godknowswhere. i suddenly started coughing. dammit.
ooh and for the recodr, the game i was playing, championship manager, just sacked me. twice. fml.

Husaini @ 1:09 AM

Friday, July 24, 2009

I never like the school at night, or when it gets dark. Theres nobody there. Nobody i can possibly meet, nobody to help me feel safe when im all alone. Ive been at school alot of times when its dark, and i must say i dont like it. There seems to be some sort of sense of foreboding about it. Of course, I would like to stay overnight illegally with my friends again, just once more, just for the thrill of it, but it isnt actually all that thrilling. When the night falls and everything gets quiet, the only thing between me and my friends is the sense that we are there for each other. Sure we will eventually get up and do stupid things, but when all is done and we are in the middle of the field lying down shirtless and gazing into the sky, it suddenly sucks.

Have you ever tried to gaze into the sky? when its dark, lie down in the middle of nowhere and jsut stare at the sky and let the thoughts which want to enter your mind just enter? If not, you should try it. You become all sober and quiet and you start reflecting on a lot of things. I really dont like that.

Back to the case with the deserted school. I guess in a way it reflects my own insecurity of not having anyone around me or anyone being there for me. I can rely on the usual friends to help me, but in the case im alone in school, they will not be there. They have no reason to be.

There. I took this pic back when we were rehearsing for drama (DRAMA FTW). It wasnt even dark yet and it was already scary. There is no sign of life anywhere in this picture. It sucks to be alone. To have nobody you can rely on. To have nobody to be there for you. To feel unwanted. It really sucks.

I have this fear of being alone. I like being alone at home for it opens up countless possibilities of what i can do. But then it all means nothing if i dont have anyone to share it with. It sucks to be alone. I surround myself with my best friends, talk to people i dont even meet often all in the hope that i dont end up alone. As an example, the past week, good ol' patch didnt come for most of the days. I wont exaggerate it, but it was awful. I always looked forward to bursting into the solat room and seeing him there or sth. Sorry gred or even shift, i am not discounting your presence. its just that i am very over dependant on some people. I chat on msn alot with other people, to find companionship, in a good way, cos i cant bear to be alone. i really hate weekends for then, id be alone. But in the end, it all doesnt matter.

Look at the sky people, for those who still bother coming here. Take a good long look and realise your fears. Cos i think i realised mine, and i would fight to not let it happen.

Sorry im just feeling so damn wooly right now.

Husaini @ 10:46 PM

Thursday, July 9, 2009

anyone there?

heehee im such a pemalas i dont even bother to update my blog.
you knwowhats another problem i have found out?

i dont use pictures.

i shall find my inspiration to look for pictures in my increasingly decreasing leisure time(:


thats right embrace it while it lasts.

Husaini @ 8:13 AM


Ahmad Husaini
Raffles Rugby 05-08, Pwnage09, 10S06F
I like sports, though nothing in particular



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