
Thursday, April 30, 2009

gaaah life is being a shithead. heh. as in seriously ah. first thing. im slowly learning that i have this new talent, I ATTRACT WHITE SLIPS LIKE MAGNETS ATTRACT METAL. as in what the heck ah i thik i have more white slips than all the malay girls combined. cos they are a kuai/knowhowtobendtheruleswithoutbeingcaught bunch of ppl. haha or maybe im just stupid. seems most of the ppl around me dun get anything for much worse offences, which would prove that im an idiot of sorts. BUT NEVERMIND.

ooh and i love my teacher ah. shes my beloved civic tutor as well and chem tutor, mrs chua. ok i dun want to be mean cos i know shes a nice teacher who doesnt knwo how to break rules and all, but WHY THE HECK DID YOU HAVE TO CALL MY MUM FOR FAILING CHEM? heh i admit, 3/25 is not a pretty score at all, but i heard of people who got 1/25, and they lived to tell the tale :(((

haha takpelah eh. this is what happens u shit on teh floor and never clean up after your own shit. one, its dirty and ppl dun like, two, its dirty and ppl dun like. and last but not least, its dirty and pl dun like.

eh u know, come to think of it, i think i know why this is all happening to me. i think its retribution for STEALING A PEBBLE FROM NUS. yea that place is one kind man. i think it has to be super haunted for a mere pebble to affect me like this. like, okay i shouldnt even have taken that measly pebble in the first place, but it was soooo beayoootifooool like its black and looks mahal kind of pebbel, though i think its just a nicely painted ardinary pebble. it was lying there, practically calling out my name, so what to do kan? if u see a stray kitty u will pick it up and give it a home right, if the kitty's super cute? same here ah. and here it is. right in front of the keyboard, lies that fateful pebble.

haiz i think i should just throw it away. the best thing i can do is to return it to NUS, but seeing as it is super far away, i htink i shall put it in some pond or use it as a decoratvie accessory to put in a dull place.

screw you NUS pebble. cause me so much trouble.

Husaini @ 7:59 AM

Friday, April 17, 2009

heh this will be in a more serious note. i just realised that i have been wasting my years in RI. as in seriously wasted. the amount of time i spent lepaking and hanging out and tryign to have a social life, if i had used about half of that time for studying i would have been at least a 3.6 student. haha macam perasan ah tapi this is just to show that i really did alot of slacking. i only did work if i wanted to, following my whim and that meant playing some stupid game or another. i only handed in work (which totalled about 50 percent of the total work given by the teachers) late when i was constantly bugged to for at least 2 weeks. i only remember doing my english portfolio in time, in sec 4, and that was becasue i gto tegured through my parents by the english teacher.

i spent countless hours in the malay room, causing trouble and annoying the security guard to a great extent, under the pretext of studying, padahal i would usually be playing bridge and taiti. I spent a shitload of time in teh room at the top floor of the masjid, under the impression that if i went there i would be able to focus more. instead, i found many things to do in that ill-fated room which turned out to be just enough to last me through the sudy period for EOY, which i managed to scrape a pass for most of my subjects without studying much. this really leads me to think, WHAT IF i had been just a liiiittlllllleeeee more diligent in my work? see lah so young already got WHAT IFS. shit i hate that phrase but yea ill have to live with it.

enough with this serious shizz. it scares me to know how deeply i can think at times.

so now i have decided on a few things, eh actually just one. I HAVE TO STUDY. more. and husaini, studying doesnt mean skimming through ur notes once. yes mak i know. then why u still do? *shrugs shoulders.*

actually its that simple. set aside time to study. do nothign but study. even if it means spening less time in school. AWWWWW. even if it means chatting less online. DOUBLE AWWWWW. Even if it means not hanging out with people i love as much anymore. FUCK IT LAH AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :DDDDD

pantat whats wrong with mehhhh????

*nothing boy.*

huh whos that?

*your conscience.*

are you sure?

*yes lah idiot.*

so why am i talking to you?

*you asked the question to nobody in particular, so i answered to make u look less stupid.*

thanks man what would i ever do without you <3333

THERE. thats how my mind works most of the time. notice the blankness and complete lack of content. its just me going in a socratic seminar by myself, only instead of spiralling upwards to find new solutions, mine goes in circles x)

dammit this has got to stop.

and you're not helping.

*i know but isnt that why im here :D*


Husaini @ 7:37 AM

Friday, April 10, 2009

wawaweewa my last post was almost a month ago. i have been neglecting you pinutman, or rather pinutboy, for that im sorry. by the way pinutman got downgraded to pinutboy because i know for sure my parents visit this blog. if i get even a hint they do again, ill change it again. heh its for my own goodddd. if they happen to be reading this, and that therefore means im just jacking myself, screw me.

ANYWAY time for some long overdue updates! SYF was the bomb man, as in seriously BOMBSYIOKANDALLOTHERNICETHINGSYOUCANTHINKOF. we discovered the many uses of the AVP, one of which is a zool (this is so as the zoo in question is owned by zul, thus the pun :D) and the countless number of hours we spent practising. IT WAS BLOODY FUN AH I THINK EVERYONE SHOULD DO TARIAN NEXT TIME COS ITS SOOOO WORTH IT. in the end, we got silver, which i think was a gross understatement of our performance. okay i shall rant abit, so just hold on there.

its called malay dance. MALAY. so there should be the essence of malay in the dance. and by that i dont mean just having malay sounding songs and malay costumes. i mean the dance should encompass elements of malayness, the whole sopan santunness. HECK even if they say its contemporary, doesnt mean can anyhow dance right? ALMOST ALL THE GOLD AND ABOVE WINNERS HAD ALMOST ZERO MALAYNESS IN THEIR DANCE :\ i honestly think we merited a gold. seriously. tapi takpe eh judges punye pasal. whats important is we had fun AND IM SO DAM PROUD OF THE GUYS COS WE DIDNT MAKE ANY MISTAKES :P and the girls too cos they did what they normally did and it was NOICE. SO YEAH PANTAT AH JUDGES CALL URSELVES MALAYSIAN AND INDONESIAN PEOPLE.

eh i should drop it before it gets nasty. haha.

and honestly (girls dun be offended for any reason ah) the guys were absolutely thrilled at getting the silver. okay i was lah im not entirely sure about the rest. heh talk about low expectations.

OOOh today my family and i went to this rasa rasa seafood restaurant , or i think that was the name. IT WAS SUPER NICE. i ordered mee hongkong and my bro ordered tomyam nasi goreng. foom. it had everything good seafood dishes should have, fresh seafood, extremely tasty gravy and nice leafy veggies, melty noodles and more, i cant remember already. and to top it off we had a great view of a tank filled with live crabs crawling around like mad. the whole ambience was so suitable, i think i shall go there again, only thing is its abit ex so ill have to watch out for that.

then we went to expo for the johnlittle sale. i got myself a white vneck, cos i realise how they make my short neck look longer so I LOIKE. my bro got one too, a smaller one. but the place was more full than a can of sardines ah. like if anyone sneezed in there at least half of the expo's population would get whatever the sneezer was suffering from. if the fella want suffering from anything, they would get a healthy dose of mucus and stuff. yucks. NO LAH i was jsut exaggerating but yeah, u get the point. i hope. if not, go there for yourself and see how its like. THEN tell me how to describe it.

and now im finally back home, having just eaten maggi for dinner. wah i tell u man, i love todays food ah. like, sedap tapi tak sedap kind of sedap, you know?

i think thats all. yup that should be it for now.

oh and i still havent brought pinut to school, poor dudes been begging me to bring him. i think i shall tomorrow when i go to school. BYE!

Husaini @ 6:18 AM


Ahmad Husaini
Raffles Rugby 05-08, Pwnage09, 10S06F
I like sports, though nothing in particular



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