
Saturday, January 31, 2009

heyheyhey! today was supposed to be a boring day, cos its a weekend and im supposed to not play so much seeing that sch is starting soon. so it came as a relief when my bro told me that RIMCC was havingtheri kenalsuai. foom! there goes one saturday. very nice.

i went to sch early, took a few shots at goal with my bro then went to the malay room for the meeting to start. like, just before the meeting, my dear old teacher Saripah saw me and asked me what i was doing. i said i had nothing to do. then came the blow. she said: "you should be studying so u dont do badly AGAIN." nyeh. i know i screwed up hmt ah, but its over, what to do? want donut?

yes please!

anyway, icebreakers then began. i was too malas to go to raja block, so i stayed in the junior block, where my bros group was doing their icebreakers. what a spastic sight to behold. one person did stand out though, poor ol' armaan. they we playing this game, where everyone sat in a circle and one guy will run around the circle, tapping someone. whoever the guy tapped had to go and chase the tapper before the tapper reached where the tapped was sitting before. easy right? haha not for armaan. it is a commonly known fact that he isnt the fastest person in the world, heck, hes not even the 3416546854th fastest person in the world. so, it was quite foolish of him to tap aizat, a gymnast who could sprint almost as fast as his brother. haha poor fella. armaan had to continue running round and round and round until his eyes became round then he died. like when he finally touched a sec 1 fella, he flopped on the ground, only to have the sec 1 fella tap him. AGAIN. haha poor thing.

ah, then came probably my favourite part of the day, the hunt for the uno cards. heheh i was so proud of myself, having assisted in hiding 3/4 of the cards, and i tell u, i just felt evil somehow, being thrust into a position of power. i hid the cards in all the weird places, like in a chinese new year poster and all. haha, best of all was the uno card i taped to the back of my elbow. haha took them quite awhile to find it. haha. omg that was fun. we should do that again, only this time, we hide the cards throughout the whole school. the foom! get ready to suffer ppl :D

ah. when they started the amazing race, halim and i went to rj to watch some ppl practice tarian. haha there were only five ppl, the way hijazi said it, it was almost as if there was a whole class of ppl doing it. haha though i prob will never like dancing, i must say i loved the song ah. it was dam typical malay kampungish and it wasnt bignit it was calming etcetc. it was nice. and i never really saw a tarian before, so i really did like watching them do it

eh sounds wrong seh

as in the moves all dam power. haha. the only drawback for spastic ppl like me and halim is the psychomotorness of it. walao i can die sia trying to do half of what sheila did, i prob would have broken both ankles too, seeing as i can fall all the way to the ground because i tripped on the ground :P

haha things happened after that, we played 1v1v1 floorball, which i won by a score of (me 8)-(nas 4)-(halim 3). waah. i dint know i was so pro at floorball. cheh perasan eh.

after awhile i did get bored, so i decided to use ashraf's amazing mac to chat on msn. but there were so many kaypohs around (rashidifitririfqialif just to name one person) that i had no choice but to resort to spastic measures to avoid prying eyes.

kesian eh, sampai atas cupboard. korang ni ehh.... (pic courtesy of halim)

today was a swell day, with all the lepaking and fun stuff we did. my sympathies go out to those who have been inexplicably not allowed out of your house. kesian. no really, home is no place to be when you are terribly bored. ish ish ish.

better luck next time!

Husaini @ 5:08 AM

Friday, January 30, 2009

A few days back, i got really bored, cos i had no electives (or i like to think i didnt have any). thus, halim, fuzzy and some random manjen went about looking for fun things to do. Because all we had was a monopoly board and a pack of cards, we decided to go hunting for stuff to do. naturally, we went to popular, seeing that it was empty (despite its name) to search for possible games or things we could use to play with. we searched high and low, and all we could find was a pathetic red stress ball which, immediately after purchase, was kicked into a very tiny hole in the wall.

the sheer spasticity of some of us.

anyway, luckily we had the manjen guy, cos although he was quiet and didnt do much, he saw what the three malays didnt see, a stick, which he duly used to poke the ball out of the hole. ingenious, amazing observation skills, resourcefulness. some of the qualities halim fuzzy and i lack.

Oh the trip to popular wasnt all that unfruitful, i managed to get a picture of an ongoing scandal. take a look:

Haha thats stitch! humping poor ol' pooh. and for some of u nutters who still dont know, stitch is the nickname wesaved for rashidi, cos he does have a striking resemblence to the real stitch. sick eh si die tu?

haha its not enough that they are doing this disdainful act. they do it in front of the whole world. GASP! even with fuzzy trying to block this obscene act, they are still in full view of the general public. tsk tsk tsk. kesian pooh. i wonder who is the real life pooh?

and unless i had a very misguided childhood, i am quite sure that pooh is a male. ish ish ish. does this mean rashidi is gay??

on to more trivial matters. haha like as if the stuff i mentioned before wasnt already trivial.

on the way back home just now, i spotted a very disturbing scene.

see where they are standing? its a place for physically handicapped people. no offence to any mentally-challenged persons out there, but seeing as both of them are in perfect physical condition and yet they are standing at a place designated for physically handicapped people, one must conclude that they must be RETARDS. yes u heard me. fuzzy and halim are retards. as in, their ears were screwed on too tight or sth. and the fact that halim knew i was taking a pic of them showed their total lack of, shame?? i dno. haha. its fun taking pics such as those, u can weave a tale from just a single pic.

Eh, this has been a totally pointless post. haha nevermind.

yea nevermind, a philosophy i hold dear to me.


Husaini @ 4:17 AM

Thursday, January 29, 2009


haha the ranting continues. life has been really boring/slow/uneventful/useless these past few days. first i couldnt go out during chinese new year. like, i wanted to go out and hang around with frens and stuff like that, cos i really hate being cooped up at home all the time. my body isnt built for that. really. keeping me in all the time is like trying to hug a cactus. u try to enforce yourself upon me, i get abrasive/unresponsive/obnoxious/irritable. just ask my mum :D

hugging the cactus also does no good to the hugger. heard that, tree-huggers? eh technically cacti arent trees, but who cares. nyeh.

eh that really makes me a bad son. heheh. eh dont get the wrong idea. im not saying i love being a bad son, its just i wish my mum would see more of me than a small kid who doesnt know how to take care of himself. comon man, im all grown up. true, u still buy my underwear for me and all, but i think i can take care of myself now.

speaking of which, i will either be veryvery late for kenalsuai on 7th feb or i wont go at all. cos i complained recently that i had stomachache and started to lose appetite. turns out, i found out that i was being stupid and my loss of appetite was due to the fact that i havent been exercising and thus, i would get full very easily. still, nothing would penetrate my mum's cast iron excuses and thus, i have to go for a medical check up. on the 7th. convenient eh?

heheh now that i think of it, i think i got all the hard-headedness and a little dose of ego from my mum. haha though she never likes to admit it.

eh enough. i shouldnt be talking so many bad things about my own family. ish.

ish again.


whew. i really wish we could have more numbers joining rashidi halim fuzzy and i in games, cos there are just some games that require numbers, and four cant do it alone. haha oxymoron. four=alone??

haha it feels kind of weird having the rgs ppl around. macam, weird. i dont know how else to put it. not used to it i guess. its amusing to hear them talk loudly then laugh then go camwhore then go eat then play all at once.

hm, apart from that, nothing much has been happening. oh, and halim, if you are reading this, bring ball, cards, maybe monopoly and other games that can kill time. eh weird eh, ironically, while we are killing time, we wish we had more of it

till next time. haha time. weird thing eh?

dah cukup-cukup.

ps: im adding as an afterthought, since halim pointed out that four=one isnt an oxymoron. ish. how dol of me. nyeh ah u halim.

Husaini @ 3:53 AM

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Eheheh!! today got eclipse!!! as in an eclipse where we will be covered in darkness. OMG im sooo excited!

Like, i wonder what power im going to get. Superstrength? nah. i have plenty of it oredi :p how about flight? I'd love to be able to go from one place to another place farfar away from here. that would be great.

i wouldnt mind X-ray vision :D

for those who dont know what im talking about, forget it. i am referring to heroes. cos when got solar eclipse right, ppls powers come out. waaaah

eh childish eh?

you know, the thing is, i actually am kindof excited because of the prospect of having powers. seriously seh. im abit old for this kind of thing, but somehow i cant help it. im just waiting for the eclipse ah. like something special is going to happen ah. like, whoa. haha i cant contain it. im bouncing in my seat as it is.


ill bet i will be disappointed when all i see during the eclipse are nutters looking through the telescope. but hey, its reason enough to celebrate! or atleast i think it is. I think i might be one of the few ppl who take this seriously, but hey, im entitled to have my moments of excitement.


ps: i think this excitement is caused by the lack of it the past few days, so pls dont think im like..i dno...crazy, cos i know for sure i havent lost it :P

pps: keep the happy people!

Husaini @ 9:37 PM

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Eh. I just realised i LURRVE doing this kind of quizzes. No idea why. and i found this after Diy said it was on my bro's blog, and i just couldnt resist :p

Here goes:

Name: Husaini omg why does every quiz have this??

Birthday: 2 May. Im like singapore's malay beckham ah. cheh..

Birthplace: Singapore

Eye Colour: black, but i swear i saw i tinge of brown in there.

Hair Colour: Black

Height: 178. since sec3..

Right Handed or Left Handed?: Right.

Your Heritage: Malay

My Worst Habit: I've plenty so i wont bother.

Zodiac Sign: taurus

Shoe Size: 12, not cause its big, but cause i have wide and short feet. so its kindof hard to fit.

Pant Size: 36

Parents Still Together?: yes

Shoes You Wore Today?: birthday shoes??

Your Weakness: Im shyshy cat.

Your Fears: heights and the dark. and balloons.

Your Perfect Pizza: one with absolutely no veggies and stuffed with meat and cheese.

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Try qualify for a h3 subject, i guess.

Your Most Overused Phrase In Instant Messenger: its a tie between "nyeh" and "haha"

Your Best Physical Feature: do i really need to answer?

Your Bedtime: i dno. my body clock is screwed so i sleep whenever i feel like. could be 9 or 12.

Your Most Missed Memory: playing self-invented mat games in the seminar room with all my buddies.


Colours?: blue, red, purple

Food? : erm, i like spaghetti, cos i saw an ad on it recently. but this ans will change once i see another ad.

Animal? : Cows, cos my bro bought me a stuffed cow for a birthday and i have not looked back since.

Ice Cream? : anything sweet without the masin2 stuff or lime2 stuffs.

Candy? : i dun like candies.

Store? : erm, sports shop. i like pretending i can play every sport.

Salad Dressing? : i dont eat salads.

Actress? : elizabeth banks!

Songs? : country music, and songs with nice rhymer whymer lyrics.

Letter? : "S"

Number? : 8, cos of some stupid fantasy i once had that i was the best 8 in rugby ri ever saw :p

Gum? : bubble

Holiday? : CNY and Deepavali. we're not involved and dun need to go sch.

Season? : winter.

Toothpaste Flavour?: i dno. mint?

Radio Station? : 987 fm

Perfume? : nivea, cos its nice and cos adidas spam theirs with alcohol that smells overpowering.

Scent Besides Perfume?: bandung smell

Body Part On The Opposite Sex? : ish. how inappropriate :p


What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? : i dun really have a clue

How Do You Want To Die? : in a war. then i can be like my bro. die in syahidness.

Turn ons: quirky character

Let’s walk on the: road and see how many cars horn at u. my best was 3.

Let’s look at the: sky, as recommende by soooo many ppl.

What a nice: day to lepak.

Where did all the: teachers go?

Why can’t we: enjoy all our lives?

Silly, little: kids running around in the canteen

Isn’t it weird that: im weird?

Never Under Any Circumstance: will i cry in front of alot of ppl. call it ego :p

I wish: i was lean.

Everyone has their: day.

I am: a boy.


Been In love? : probably

Been to Juvie? : no

Mooned Someone? : i choose not to disclose.

Been Rejected? : i have no idea. if yes then ppl have been to kind to tell me.

Ran Away from home? : NEVER.

Picture your crush naked? : nooooooo. amazingly enough, never.

Skipped School? : i'd like to think i havent.

Thought about Suicide?: yes. damn i hate PT.

Slept Outside? : yes. its nice esp when i overnighted in sch with my frens and gazed into the sky for 2 hours or so.

Laughed so hard you cried: yes.

Cried in school? : a few times

Thrown up in school? : no.

Wanted to be a model? : haha not even if u gave me a million bucks. 2 million maybe i consider.

Cheated on someone? : Nope

Done Something Really stupid that you still laugh at it today?: yea, loads.

Seen a dead body?: i saw my cat die. does that count?

Been Bitched Out? : i dun think i have. ifi have, again, ppl dont tell me.

Drank Alcohol? : nope

Smoked: NEVER

Been on drugs?: nope

Eaten Sushi?: YESS its super nice.

Been on Stage? : Yupp

Gone Skinny Dipping? : haha tried to. before me frens stopped me and pointed out that the boarding complex was just behind me.

Shoplifted? : yes , buti returned the thing. so nice.

Been Drunk? : i guess u could call what i usually am as being drunk, but i highly doubt ive been intoxicated.

Been called a Tease? : dont know what it means.

Been beaten up? : nope.


Swear? : Yes

Sing Well? : i' like to think i do, but i know i dont

Shower Daily? duhh, excpet when i was in hongkong and bangkok.

Want to go to College? : yea

Want to get married? : yea

Believe in yourself? : i do, but i wish i did more of it

Get motion sickness? : i think i did once.

Think You’re Attractive? : nope. lets face it, who would be so thick as to say yes?

Get along with your parents? : Yes, most of the time

Like thunderstorms? : nooooo

Play an instrument? : no. psychomotor skills absent.

Own an iPod? : haha yes i own u khairi :P

Pray: yes.

Go to Church? : never. BWAHAHAHAHA

Sleep with a Stuffed Animal? : yep, with that ill-fated stuffed cow.

Keep a Diary/ Journal? : nope. cant be bothered.

Dance in the Rain? : no. i dont dance.

Sing in the shower? : when noone else is at home.


Pepsi or Coke? : pepsi

McDonald’s or BK? : macs

Single or Group Dates? : i dno. anything?

Chocolate or Vanilla? : vanilla

Strawberries or Blueberries? : i hate berries.

Meat or Veggie? : meat

TV or Movie? : both

Guitar or Drums? : i dont do both.

Adidas or Nike? : adidas, cos nike doesnt have freaking shoes that fit me.

Chinese or Mexican? : i havent tried either

Cheerios or Corn Flakes? : corn flakes

Cake or Pie? : cakes

MTV or VH1? : MTV

Blind or Deaf? : eheh i want neither. but if i had to choose, it would be deaf.

Boxers or Briefs? : i like both!!


Do the splits: haha no. anyone who have seen me do sports can tell.

Write with both hands: technically everyone can.

Whistle: a little

Blow a bubble: yep

Roll your tounge in a circle : yes

Cross your eyes : yes

Walk with your toes curled : haha if the floor is dirty

Touch your tongue to touch your nose: ee sick sia. and btw its no.

Dance: nope

Eat whatever you want and not worry: i used to do that. see what i became in sec 4?


You touched: my bro

You Talked to on the phone: mum

You Instant Messaged: muhammad

You Hugged: dun think ive ever hugged. intentionally or conciously.

You yelled at: shreyas, some indian guy whos nice and just cant seem to get along wtih anyone.

You played a sport with: rashidi, faizal and some random manjens


Time you laughed: like 30 min ago

Time you cried: i dno. in april or may.

Movie you watched: hancock

Flavour of Gum you chewed: mint

Joke you told : a ba'hi joke. i wont say it cos its stupid and offensive.

Song you sung: Superhuman by chris brown. i cant hit the high notes so it sounds spastic, since its a high song.

Life on other planets: Nope

Magic: yea

Love at first sight: prob not. seems impossible doesnt it?

God: duh

Satan: duh too

Ghosts: Yea, isnt that why im afraid of the dark?

Santa: nope. unless i get a gift from him.

Evolution: haha i dun like to think i came from monkeys. thats just stupid.

Fav eye colour: black

Fav hair colour: black or brownish black

Short or long hair : somewhere in the middle

Height: shorter than me

Weight: lighter than me

wow that was one loooong quiz. didnt know i had it in me to finish it. goodnite ppl!

Husaini @ 6:39 AM

Friday, January 23, 2009

Now that i think about it, I think it was really dumb of me to have started this blog now of all times. i mean, one would think that i would start it cos i had something fun to share or anything. but nooooooo. this is me we are talking about and i do things, um, as and when i feel like it. so yeah.

and right now, im dying of boredom (not possible, is it?). i am stuck at home with half the day gone and no plans whatsoever for the rest of today as well as tmr. and tmr its not my fault i cant go out. i have madrasah, and on a very convenient timeslot too. its 2.30 to 5.30. amazing. just when i thought life couldnt get worse. nah, madrasah isnt bad, as you get to learn how to be the good muslim that i am (cheh...kembang ah.), its just the sheer timing of it, being right smack in the middle of the day, effectively killing any chance i had of actually enjoying myself.


a little of my frustration. it goes a long way, just, i dont think it would look nice in one post. so i will spread it throughout my other posts :D


sorry i cant help it. i want to do sth. anything! i could read up on my sciences, but treating a fever with another dose of fever isnt going to help.
i could do something with the internet, as given its wide range of uses, there surely must be something for me to do.

so thats what i have been doing.
staring at the godforsaken google page for godknowshowlong, wondering what to search for.

and i spend most of my days in front of the com, waiting for someone, or rather, anyone, to come online so i can have a good long chat.


okok ill stop.

eh btw, i just learned that it is common courtesy to ask someone if i could view their blog before actually visiting it (is it really that common?). heheh and i understand that i may have inadvertently visited a blog or two which, now i reflect, i should not have been to in the first place. for that, i am sorry :D

no really i am :D

see? the smile makes it look unsincere.

aww. seems i have to stop here otherwise ppl will lose interest because ppl dont like reading long posts. so ill just have to go find other mind-numbing things to do.


Husaini @ 11:00 PM

001. Real name → Ahmad Husaini
002. Nickname(s)→ Erm, i dont think i have any...
003. Star sign → Taurus
004. Male or female → Male -.-"
005. Elementary → White Sands Primary School
006. Middle School → Raffles Institution
007. High School → Raffles Junior College
008. Hair color → Black
009. Long or short → Somewhere in the middle.
010. Loud or Quiet → Quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Phone
013. Health freak → Haha no.
014. Drink or Smoke? → Never
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Probably
016. Eat or Drink → Drink?
017. Piercings → None
018. Tattoos → Nope
019. Been in an airplane→ Yes
020. Been in a relationship → Nope
021. Been in a car accident → Nope.
022. Been in a fist fight → Yea. What fun :p x)

023. First piercing → Never lah.
24. First best friend → Adib, in kindergarten
025. First award → Im quite sure i have some, but i dno whens the first :p
026. First crush → I have no idea. Somewhere around kindergarten i guess.
028. First vacation → Indonesia, but i forgot where :p

029. Last person you talked to → Bro, i guess.
030. Last person you texted → Sheila. OMG why is that so?
031. Last person(s) you watched a movie with → If this means going to the cinema, i went with my family to watch Jurassic park a good 10 years ago or so :p
032. Last food you ate → Goreng pisang
033. Last movie you watched → Hancock, maybe?
2034. Last song you listened to → Superhuman, by Chris Brown and Keri Hilson
035. Last thing you bought → erm some fridge magnets?
036. Last person you hugged → hmm. come to think of it, i dont think i have ever hugged anyone. maybe when i was unconcious ??

037. Food → Haha i have no real preference. I just eat.
038. Drinks → anything mango-ey
39. Clothing → T-shirts
040. Books → All the Harry Potters
041. Musics → Any non-noisy song??
Flower → I like, erm, most flowers which are nice to look at.
043. Colors → Blue, red, purple. Waaah.
044. Movies → Hancock, Definitely Maybe, Harold and Kumar :D
045. Positions → erm, striker or goalkeeper??
046. Subjects → Physics

047. [ ] kissed in the snow
048. [ ] celebrated Halloween
049. [ ] had your heart broken
050. [x] went over the minutes on your cell phone
051. [ ] someone questioned your sexual orientation
052. [ ] came out of the closet
053. [ ] gotten pregnant
054. [ ] had an abortion
055. [x] done something you've regretted
056. [x] broke a promise
057. [x] hid a secret
058. [x] pretended to be happy
059. [x] met someone who changed your life
060. [x] pretended to be sick
061. [x] left the country
062. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
063. [x] cried over the silliest thing
064. [x] ran a mile
065. [x] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
066. [haha duh] stay single the whole year

067. Eating → nothing
068. Drinking → nothing
069. I'm about to → either sleep or watch tv
070. Listening to → Decode - paramoe
071. Plans for today → find fun things to do
072. Waiting for → a miracle

073. Want kids? → Yep
074. Want to get married? → Yes
075. Careers in mind → Erm, come to think of it, nothing.
076. Lips or eyes → eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → shorter than me
078. Romantic or spontaneous → a little of both?
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → I dun care. Both can, neither oso can.
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → Trouble-Maker

083. Lost glasses/contacts → yes
084. Ran away from home → no
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → hope to someday
086. Killed somebody → no
087. Broken someone's heart → I dnno, i hope not
088. Been arrested → no
089. Cried when someone died → yes

090. Yourself → I do, but i wish i did more of it
091. Miracles → haha yes!
092. Love at first sight → nope. i think its impossible. maybe im wrong :p
093. Heaven → Of course
094. Santa Claus → haha no.
095. Sex on the first date → If i can even get a date, no.
096. Kiss on the first date → noooo

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yes
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → not really
099. Do you believe in God → Yes.
100. This is the 100th and last.

Ahh. what a good way to start a blog. saves me all the trouble of introducing myself. well, i guess i want to sleep now. cya!

Husaini @ 6:51 AM

haha test test only. nothing much going on as of now except for me trying freakishly hard to set up this blog.

Husaini @ 2:10 AM


Ahmad Husaini
Raffles Rugby 05-08, Pwnage09, 10S06F
I like sports, though nothing in particular



January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010


blogtitle1 : blogowner1
blogtitle2 : blogowner2
blogtitle3 : blogowner3
blogtitle4 : blogowner4
blogtitle5 : blogowner5



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